Biomedical Center Munich

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Research Consortium - BMC

The Biomedical Center is a non-incorporated research consortium sponsored by LMU Munich. It consists of eight founding divisions and institutes and additional members. Aims and objectives of the association are to promote and conduct interdisciplinary research in basic and applied biomedicine, in particular facilitating close collaboration of preclinical and clinical research groups. For high quality technical support, the BMC runs several core facilities providing outstanding analytical expertise and instruments for cutting-edge biomolecular techniques.
BMC members include all principal investigators (professors, independent group leaders and core facility heads) of the founding divisions and institutes. The managing BMC Board consists of the chairs and institute heads and four additional elected delegates. Spokespersons for the BMC Board are the acting chair (Prof. Dr. Peter B. Becker) and two deputies (currently Prof. Martin Kerschensteiner and Prof. Michael Kiebler). 
All BMC activities are coordinated by the managing director and scientific coordinator, Dr. Henrike Klinker.

Current Members of the Biomedical Center (in alphabetical order)