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Green Office Campus Martinsried

+++ Interested in connecting with others in the Munich community on sustainability? Join our mailing list +++

What is the Green Office?

The LMU Green Office is the central contact and coordination point for sustainability and climate protection at Campus Martinsried. It is a joint initiative of the LMU unit Occupational Safety and Sustainability, the Faculty of Biology and the Biomedical Center (BMC). Its goal is to improve sustainability on campus and promote collaboration. To achieve this goal, we gather and communicate information needed for practical implementation as well as initiate and support sustainable projects. For this, we work closely with students, staff, lecturers, researchers and the student councils on campus.

Who works at the Green Office?

Currently, the Green Office is run by two student assistants who stand up for sustainable change on campus out of conviction.

What are current projects?

  • Certification of sustainable laboratory work: Our aim is to make labs more sustainable. For this, we are developing a concept in cooperation with the laboratories on how sustainability goals can be defined and implemented. Labs meeting the sustainability goals will receive certification.
  • Networking of all initiatives and actors on campus and beyond.

How can we be reached?

LMU Campus Martinsried
Großhaderner Straße 9
82152 Planegg-Martinsried
Room N 00.055

Office hours: Mondays from 10 am to 12 pm and Fridays from 1 pm to 3 pm via zoom. Further office hours online or on site by appointment

Further information on sustainability in the lab:

My Green Lab Ambassador Program
Catalogue of Recommendations (CaRe) for Sustainability by the Max Planck Society
Green Lab Initiative BMC

GreenResearchMunich mailing list

Interested in connecting with others in the Munich community on the topic of sustainability?
Join the greenresearchmunich mailing list (initiated in Dec 2022): subscribe (and unsubscribe) directly here.

The list is open for both individuals and group initiatives. Once you have subscribed, you will receive mails sent through this list, and you are also able to send emails through the list (via the address with which you subscribed):

Members of the mailing list are students, researchers, employees from different institutes and initiatives in health, teaching, wet-lab research, administration (among others), so expect a diverse, interdisciplinary exchange. We hope that by launching the list, and acquiring a critical number of interested subscribers, through sharing information we will raise awareness and increase participation on these important topics relating to sustainability.