Biomedical Center Munich

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Grosche Lab - Molecular Neurophysiology

Physiological Genomics

groscheResearch Topics

  • From gene expression signature to function of retinal glial cells
  • Immunmodulation in retinal disease
  • AAV-based gene therapeutic approaches



Prof. Dr. Antje Grosche

phone: +49 (0)89 - 2180 71908

Photo: Jan Greune

Our research aims at shedding light on the complex neuron-supportive functions of Müller cells, the dominant macroglial cells of the retina. These include the maintenance of the retinal ion and volume homeostasis, their contribution to neurotransmission or their fascinating function as living optical fibers. Currently, our research focusses on investigations of changes in the intimate cross talk between Müller cells, microglia and retinal neurons in the healthy and diseased retina and modulation thereof using gene therapeutic approaches. Read more...


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Scientific vita

since 2017 Full Professor Dept. Physiological Genomics, Biomedical Center, LMU Munich
2013-2017 ProRetina Professor Institute of Human Genetics, University of Regensbur
2007-2013 Postdoctoral researcher Andreas Reichenbach Lab, University of Leipzig
2007 PhD in Biology University of Leipzig, Advisor: Andreas Reichenbach