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Becker Lab - Chromatin Dynamics

Molecular Biology

BeckerResearch Topics

  • Chromosome-wide gene regulation
  • Long, non-coding roX RNA
  • Variant histone dynamics
  • Factor cooperativity in chromosomal locus control


Prof. Dr. Peter Becker

phone: +49 (0)89 - 2180 75427

Photo: Jan Greune

We explore the principles and mechanisms of regulation of genome functions through chromatin organisation. We are particularly interested in ATP-dependent nucleosome ‘remodeling’ machines and in the mechanisms of transcriptional fine-tuning during dosage compensation. Our model organism is Drosophila melanogaster. We employ a wide range of methods from biochemistry, genomics, cell biology, reverse genetics and collaborate with colleagues on structural aspects. Our methodological specialty is the reconstitution of chromatin structure and function on a genome-wide scale in cell-free systems (genome-wide biochemistry). Read more...


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Scientific vita

since 1999 Professor of Molecular Biology Dept. Molecular Biology, Biomedical Center, LMU Munich
1991-1999 Group leader European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg
1988-1991 Postdoctoral researcher Carl Wu Lab, NIH, National Cancer Institute, USA
1987 PhD in Biology University of Heidelberg, Advisor: Günther Schütz
