Biomedical Center Munich

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The BMC Postdoc Initiative

The BMC Postdoc Initiative serves as a networking forum for postdoctoral researchers associated with the BioMedical Center Munich.
By offering opportunities for interdepartmental peer exchange, sharing expertise, information and resources, we hope to create positive effects for ongoing research, for integration of new postdocs and for career development. Seminars and events addressing postdoc-relevant topics will be organized on a regular basis. We are also well-connected with the postdoc initiatives of the LMU Biocenter and the Max Planck Intsitutes in Martinsried.

All postdocs are welcome to join our quarterly meetings to discuss current questions, needs and ideas.
Are you new at the BMC and interested in joining us? Feel free to send us an e-mail!

In our factsheet (PDF, 1.1 MB) you can find information and addresses for your life as a postdoc in Munich.


PostdocInilogo150Corinna Haupt

Speaker Postdoc Initiative

Chandni Kumar

Deputy Speaker

Biomedical Center
Großhaderner Strasse 9
82152 Planegg-Martinsried