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Ladurner Lab - Molecular regulation of chromatin plasticity

Physiological Chemistry

ladurnerResearch Topics

  • Molecular dissection of PARP signalling
  • Dissection of chromatin plasticity in disease
  • Metabolic regulation of gene activity
  • Genome-maintenance roles of histone chaperones

Photo: Jan Greune

We are interested in identifying, characterizing and exploiting novel molecular mechanisms that underlie the level of regulatory plasticity in chromatin structure. We are uncovering some of the fundamental mechanisms that govern the function of our complex genome and its ability to adapt to new environments. A focus of our group lies in the role of post-translational modifications (in particular, acetylation and ADP-ribosylation signalling ) and of cellular metabolites in regulating the assembly and remodelling of chromatin and gene transcription, for example through the regulation of ATP-dependent chromatin remodellers. Read more...


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Scientific vita

since 2019 Founder and CSO Eisbach Bio GmbH, Martinsried
since 2010 Full professor and Chair Dept. Physiol. Chemistry, Biomedical Center, LMU Munich
2003-2011 Group leader Genome Biology Unit, EMBL, Heidelberg
2002-2003 Editor, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology Nature Publishing Group, New York, USA
1998-2002 Postdoctoral Associate Tijan Lab, HHMI, UC Berkeley, USA
2000 PhD in Chemistry University of Cambridge, U.K., Advisor: Sir Alan Fersht