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Kröger Lab - Developmental Neuroscience

Physiological Genomics

kroegerResearch Topics

  • Synaptogenesis at the neuromuscular junction and in the CNS
  • Molecular basis of synaptic plasticity
  • Development and function of muscle spindles
  • Changes of muscle spindle function in neuromuscular diseases

Prof. Dr. Stephan Kröger

phone: +49 (0)89 - 2180 71915

Photo: Jan Greune

We investigate synapse formation in the brain, at the neuromuscular junction and in muscle spindles. To this end, we address questions like: How are synaptic connections generated? How are they maintained and how do they change under pathological conditions? Our work is based on the hypothesis that the molecular determinants are similar in the CNS, in muscle spindles, and at neuromuscular junctions. For our analysis, we use a wide range of methods, including electrophysiologcal recordings, confocal microscopy, transgenic animals and molecular biological techniques. Read more...


Scientific vita

since 2007 Full professor Dept. Physiological Genomics, Biomedical Center, LMU Munich
2006-2007 Professor Brandenburg University of Technology, Senftenberg
2000-2006 Assistant professor (Hochschuldozent) Institute of Physiological Chemistry, University of Mainz
1992-2000 Junior group leader Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt
1989-1992 Postdoctoral researcher McMahan Lab, Department of Neuroscience, Stanford University, USA
1989 PhD in Biology Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tübingen