Cutting-edge biomedical research highly depends on being able to adjust to and accommodate future developments. At the same time, the increasing complexity of experimental assays and the utilization of high-tech instrumentation for analysis results in the production of vast amounts of scientific (raw-) data in short periods of time.
According to the tenets of good scientific practice, accountability and reproducibility, this data must be stored and archived. Simultaneously, data access must be fast and robust. Moreover, in the context of the web 2.0 and progressing global digitalization, external data access (also by mobile devices) becomes increasingly important.
To meet these needs and demands the BMC has developed an IT concept which is based on services of the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) complemented with local solutions to fulfill the requirements of a modern research center.
The aims and objectives of the IT service unit at the BMC is to establish and to administer a common sustainable IT-infrastructure and to give support to BMC researchers and core facilities.
K. Gipmann
Biomedical Center
Großhaderner Strasse 9
82152 Planegg-Martinsried