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The TUM-LMU Dragon Boat Race 2019

On 12 July, the 10th Dragon Boat Race of TUM and LMU took place on the Olympic Lake.
Despite the foreboding weather forecast of heavy rain and thunderstorms, the organizers and paddlers were undeterred and were ultimately rewarded for their optimism – just in time for the race, the weather cleared up and the sun came out! Twenty creatively costumed teams from both universities fought for the title “Master of the Olympic Lake 2019” on the 230 m race course and were supported by music, fireworks and many spectators.
The BMC team – once again with diverse crews mixing all members, from PhD students to professors – achieved a very good time in the preliminary trial, but unfortunately did not make it to the semifinals. The LMU student team became “Master of the Olympic Lake 2019” and also won the race against their TUM peers. In the race of the professors, however, the TUM boat triumphed.