Biomedical Center Munich

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Active together to save the climate

August 16, 2023

With over 10,000 bike kilometers, the BMC team set a strong and visible example for climate-friendly and healthy mobility in this year's City Cycling campaign.

Summer time is “City Cycling” time: From June 25 to July 15, Planegg once again participated in the Germany-wide campaign “City Cycling - Cycling for a better climate”. 38 teams took part, pedaled hard during the three weeks of the campaign, and together they collected more than 138,000 km - which corresponds to a CO2 avoidance of 22 tons. The BMC team with 60 cyclists made a decisive contribution to this success and once again achieved a great team performance with 10,953 km. As last year, it reached second place in Planegg’s team ranking.