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New CRC/TRR with BMC participation receives funding

As of July 1, 2022, the German Research Foundation (DFG) will fund the new Collaborative Research Centre/Transregio (CRC/TRR) "Neutrophil Granulocytes: Development, Behavior and Function", which LMU has applied for together with the Universities of Münster and Duisburg-Essen.

Within the new CRC/TRR, scientists will carry out research into specialized immune cells known as neutrophils. The most common white blood cells in human blood, neutrophils have in addition to their primary task of warding off harmful microorganisms a variety of other functions, which have been insufficiently researched before now. Scientists in the research alliance will investigate these under-explored functions and the versatility of these important immune cells. Among other things, they want to understand how the tasks and functions of the neutrophils are influenced in the context of physiological and pathophysiological processes. In a translational approach, the results of the project are to find their way into clinical application and potentially open up new therapy options.

Spokesperson of the alliance is Prof. Oliver Söhnlein from the University of Münster. LMU spokesperson and CRC/TRR vice-spokesperson is Prof. Barbara Walzog from Biomedical Center. Furthermore, the Technische Universität Dresden and the Leibniz Institute for Analytical Sciences in Dresden are involved in the CRC/TRR as associated institutions. The new CRC will be funded for an initial period of four years and will receive some 11.5 million euros in funding, with 2.2 million euros going to LMU.

(Text: adapted from