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Mysterious decline in sperm count

A radio podcast on Bayern 2 and an article in the German magazine Apotheken Umschau discuss the question whether men are facing a sperm crisis. Recent studies confirmed a decline in sperm count in the ejaculate of men from western industrialized countries of about 60% within the last 40 years. The causes for this alarming development are currently under investigation and seem to be diverse. Prof. Dr. Artur Mayerhofer and his team in the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology at the Biomedical Center investigate male fertility and the impact certain commonly applied medication like ibuprofen has on sperm count and -quality. As an expert in the field, he comments on the results of the studies and gives further background.

Listen to the podcast "Chemie der Liebe: Spermien in der Krise" and read the related article on the website of Bayerischer Rundfunk (only German): [link]

Read the article „Rätselhafter Spermienschwund“ in the online version of the Apotheken Umschau under the following link (only in German): [link]

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