Green Fact of the Month
Information campaign 2023
Download posters
- greenfact_august2023 (450 KByte)
- Energy consumption of bench top devices on stand by (393 KByte)
- Freezer temperature and energy consumption (199 KByte)
- greenfact_april2023 (610 KByte)
- greenfact_dec2023 (414 KByte)
- greenfact_feb2023 (633 KByte)
- greenfact_jan2023 (300 KByte)
- greenfact_july2023 (505 KByte)
- greenfact_march2023 (881 KByte)
- greenfact_may2023 (400 KByte)
- greenfact_november_2023 (385 KByte)
- greenfact_october_2023 (466 KByte)
- greenfact_sept2023 (455 KByte)
- greenfact_june2023 (393 KByte)
- PETrecycling_atBMC (2 MByte)
- Temperature observation of ULT (375 KByte)